Foto: Axel Thünker DGPh |
29th Congress of the REI CRETARIAE ROMANAE FAUTORES Xanten, Germany, 21 - 26 (+ 27) September 2014 |
Report see below |
Review of the 29th Congress of the REI CRETARIAE ROMANAE FAUTORES
Report by Tatjana Cvjeticanin
On this occasion we met in Xanten, we were the guests of LRV-Römer Museum and LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten (LVR = Landschaftsverband Rheinland). The congress was prepared in cooperation with LWL (Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe), Radboud University Nijmegen and Museum Het Valkhof and Museum Kam, Nijmegen, organized by Dr. Bernd Liesen, with the support of Dr. Martin Müller, ably assisted by Silke Lauinger and other volunteers. The attendance of over 170 participants was amongst the highest experienced so far and this resulted, in addition to sixty oral papers, in a display of equal number of posters in the magnificent area of the reconstructed Thermae. LRV-Römer Museum, unique combination of archaeological protection and rehabilitation and modern museum architecture, provided an excellent meeting space. Midday meals were typically provided in the pavilion raised nearby the museum, presenting numerous opportunities for informal contacts between scholars and friends.
In addition to a full programme of lectures and poster sessions, and tours of the Archaeological Park Xanten and the Roman Museum, we were also treated to the excursions to the LWL-Römermuseum Haltern and the Museum Hat Valkohof Nijmegen, both showing important military complexes and pottery production centres. All the museums present Roman pottery in their normal displays, and several pottery shows were set up for our visits.
At the General Meeting of the RCRF held at the end of the congress, as Philip Kenrick had completed his six years of office as the president and decided not to stand for a second term, Tatjana Cvjeticanin was elected as a president for the next six years. At her office of ordinary member of the Council Platon Petridis was appointed. New elections for this position will take place at the 2016 congress in Lisboa. The General Meeting of the RCRF was presented with two attractive opportunities for the congress of 2018 to be held in Cluj-Napoca (the location of the 2016 congress being already fixed in Lisbon, Portugal) and a vote was held. Cluj-Napoca was chosen by a small margin and the presenters were thanked for their offers.
The General Meeting of the RCRF was followed by a farewell reception in the commendable rooms of the rebuilt Roman restaurant at the Park.
The congress was followed by a one-day post-congress tour to Cologne, with the focus on the Römisch-Germanisches Museum.
Welcome message
Dear Fautores, colleagues and friends,
It is our great honor to invite you to participate in the 29th congress of the RCRF 2014 at Xanten, Germany, from 21st to 26th September 2014. The conference will be organized by the team of the LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum.
The RCRF seeks to promote research and communication on all forms of Roman pottery, including lamps. Thus the conference covers any kind of pottery in various sections. Participation is open to every scholar, not only to members of the RCRF. The number of participants is limited to 180, with priority given to members of the RCRF.
Xanten is located in the district of Wesel in the North-Rhine-Westfalia state of Germany. It is visited by about one million tourists a year. The LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten is one of the largest archaeological open air museums in the world. Excavations have been taking place for centuries in the Roman town Colonia Ulpia Traiana and the legionary camps in the vicinity. Since 2008, the archaeological finds have had a new home: the LVR-RömerMuseum. Xanten was heavily destroyed in the Second World War. Many medieval buildings were restored, and today Xanten has a scenic city centre.
The Colonia Ulpia Traiana was a major town of the province Germania inferior. Together with the remains of the fortresses, the harbour installations and the cemeteries it forms an archaological zone of exceptional importance. In the Roman town and in the legionary fortress Vetera Castra numerous remains of pottery workshops have been found.
General Information
Key Dates
Start Date: 21st September 2014
End Date: 26th September 2014
Post Congress Tour Date: 27th September 2014
Provisional registration Deadline: 30th November 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th June 2014
Poster Submission Deadline: 15th July 2014
Manuscript Submission Deadline (for publication): 31st December 2014
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum
Siegfriedstraße 39
46509 Xanten
GPS 51.667764 N / 6.438332 E.
Lectures will take place in the auditorium of the LVR-RömerMuseum.
Arrivals are expected on Sunday (21st September), and for those participating in the post-congress tour departure will be on Saturday (27th September, late afternoon). Participants will need to make their own accommodation arrangements. Early booking is strongly recommended. Detailed information will be available on the website.
Official languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Bullet-point summaries in English on PowerPoint slides are helpful in understanding non-English lectures.
Lectures should generally be of 15 minutes duration. Please note that only PowerPoint presentations will be accepted. No more than one lecture will be accepted from any one participant. For reasons of better visibility, drawings of vessel profiles should be filled. Submitting authors have the option of stating their presentation preference – oral or poster – but the program committee will make the final decision. As the number of lectures is limited, delegates are kindly encouraged to prepare a poster whenever possible. The organizers intend to provide an opportunity to print posters in advance at Xanten.
A small number of grants may be available from the RCRF in order to help those who would otherwise be prevented by financial hardship from attending the congress. Grants will generally be confined to the congress fee, but may exceptionally cover accommodation and travel costs in addition. Accommodation costs will be awarded on the scale of simple hostel accommodation and travel will be expected to be the cheapest obtainable.
Selections of pottery produced at various kiln sites in Lower Germany will be on display. A small exhibition at the LVR-RömerMuseum is dedicated to the history of pottery production and trade in Germania inferior and beyond.
An integral part of the congress scientific programme are guided tours at Xanten as well as excursions (included in the registration fee) to Haltern am See and Nijmegen (The Netherlands). Participants can join a tour to the LWL-Römermuseum at Haltern am See. The LWL-Römermuseum contains a rich collection of archaeological finds from the Augustan legionary fortress. The tour to Nijmegen will take you to Radboud University and to Museum Het Valkhof. Museum Het Valkhof houses a large number of objects from archaeological sites at Nijmegen.
To finish off the conference days the organizers intend to arrange an optional one-day post congress excursion to Cologne. The Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium was the capital of the province Lower Germany. The remains of the praetorium, the town wall and other public buildings will be of some interest to participants. The Römisch-Germanisches Museum is dedicated to art and culture of Germania inferior. It houses many famous pieces as well as more recent archeological finds excavated by the Archeological Service of the city of Cologne.
If you wish to join the conference, please fill in the registration form and send it via mail or email to
Dr. Bernd Liesen
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten
Trajanstr. 4
46509 Xanten
The closing date for registration is 30th November 2013. A second circular with more detailed information will be forwarded in February 2014 to registered persons.
Please pass a copy of this circular to any interested person.
Second Circular
Dear Fautores, friends and colleagues,
first of all, we would like to thank you for your support and your numerous applications. All submissions are revised by the RCRF-committee and the congress organization team. We have received over 180 registration forms, so we are no longer accepting any further submissions.
Congress Fee
The congress fee is 220 €. The fee includes: Access to opening ceremony and welcome reception, access to LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum, access to closing ceremony, access to all scientific sessions and poster displays, access to exhibition and pottery displays, congress kit, coffee breaks, lunch or dinner once a day, excursions.
Conference Programme
All submitted presentations are going through a selection process.
A list of all successfully submitted presentations will be announced on the official website in the next few days. Please check your name and lecture/poster theme for discrepancies. In case of mistakes please contact the organization team immediately (
In case you don’t want your name being published on a website, please contact us as soon as possible.
A provisional programme will be released in February on the conference website:
All further changes to the programme will be advertised on the website:
Please take care of your accommodation as early as possible (holiday season!). Consider the transport possibilities from your hotel to the congress venue!
Use the following link of the Tourist Information of Xanten (tix) for booking. There you can find a list of all hotels and holiday homes in Xanten and its vicinity:
For direct booking (in English, Dutch, French and German):
We reserved 50 rooms in the hotels “Nibelungenhof” and “Hövelmann’s” in the centre of Xanten (double and single rooms). If you book there please be sure to refer to the RCRF-Congress (German Keyword: RCRF-Tagung).
It’s a short walk of 15 minutes from the centre of Xanten to the congress venue. Nevertheless, you have the opportunity to rent bicycles to get around in Xanten and its vicinity. For further information:
In addition, 12 – 15 bicycles are available in the LVR-Archaeological Park for free.
Please transfer the conference fee of 220 € to one of the following accounts:
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten
Account No.: 60 061
Bank Code: 300 500 00 (Bank: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen)
IBAN: DE 84 3005 0000 0000 060061
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten
Account No.: 564 501
Bank Code: 370 100 50 (Bank: Postbank Niederlassung Köln)
IBAN: DE 95 3701 0050 0000 564501
As reason for payment please write: Deb.2000233989/RCRF.
All payments have to be made by the 31st May 2014. Any registration for which the fee has not been received by that date will automatically be cancelled. (If you know earlier that you will not be attending the congress, please let us know!)
If you want to cancel your registration after the fee has been paid, your fee may be refunded at the discretion of the organizer, except for transfer fees for foreign bank transfers.
Payments will be made according to the daily updated currency exchange rate.
The number of lectures is limited due to the tight schedule. As the submitted lectures exceed the given limit, the organization team will have to ask some participants for a poster instead.
To follow the tight congress schedule we kindly ask you to not exceed the given time of 15 minutes for lecture and 5 minutes for the following discussion. The conference languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. For a better understanding, we kindly request you to prepare PowerPoint presentations with short English captions or summaries.
Please check profile drawings and ceramics for good visibility. Profile drawings should be filled and ceramic illustrations should be enlarged.
All posters will be displayed throughout the congress. Multiple sessions will be scheduled giving the opportunity for participants to discuss the content with the poster authors. Authors are invited to send the poster data by email to the organization team for printing in advance (DIN A2 [42,0 x 59,4 cm], pdf, 300 dpi; printing in advance is for free). Please check profile drawings and ceramics for good visibility. Profile drawings should be filled and ceramic illustrations should be enlarged.
The deadline for poster submission is 15th July 2014.
If requested, authors may also print their poster at their own expense. In this case please be sure that the print meets the following conditions: DIN A2 (42,0 x 59,4 cm) and 300 dpi. We offer the opportunity to send your printed posters in advance for installation prior to the congress. Of course, you still may submit your printed posters on your arrival in Xanten.
Abstracts and Publication
A short summary of all lectures and posters will be compiled in the abstract booklet. All participants will receive a copy on their arrival.
The publication of papers in the Acta of the RCRF will take place according to the usual pattern (subject to peer review). Please note that in order to receive the Acta automatically for free it is necessary to be a member of the RCRF. As non-member you can order the Acta from the RCRF editor as well. Deadline for submission will be 31st December 2014 prospectively.
Post-Congress Tour
The post-congress tour will take place in Cologne. The conference fee does not include the post-congress tour! The fee and the programme for the post-congress tour will be announced in the 3rd Circular.
In case of needing an official confirmation of registration for your visa application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions please contact the conference organization team ( Check the conference website ( for updates and further information.
Yours sincerely,
Congress Organization Team
Third Circular
Dear Fautores, friends and colleagues,
all submissions have been reviewed by the convener and the organization team. A provisional list of all lectures and poster presentations is attached to this circular. As we stated in the Second Circular, we had to convert some papers into posters due to the tight schedule of the congress. We thank all participants for their understanding and willingness.
The final list of papers and posters will be announced by the 31st July 2014.
Below you find further information on the congress:
1 Provisional Scientific Program
Please check the titles of your submitted lectures and posters. If there are any discrepancies please contact the Organization Team immediately ().
Please be informed that each co-author who wishes to attend the congress must be registered and pay the congress fee. If you are not registered yet, send the filled registration form to the Organization Team as soon as possible (
2 Acta
Papers and posters presented at the Congress will be published in the Congress Acta and there will be no distinction between papers and posters.
Free copies of the Acta are restricted only to members of the RCRF association. As non-member you can order the Acta from the RCRF editor.
3 Grants
In March the RCRF council decided upon the grants for the congress. Those who have been granted a financial support were informed. For further information please contact Dr. Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger or the Organization Team (
4 Post-congress tour
The fee for the post-congress tour is 75€. The fee includes: transport from Xanten to Cologne and back (via Düsseldorf); lunch; all fees for guided tours and entries. Please notice that costs for accomodation are not included!
Please take care of your supplies for the rest of the day (beverages, food, etc.).
Deadline for binding registration is 31st May 2014.
Deadline for payment is 15th June 2014 (for post-congress tour fee and congress fee!).
Cancellations after the 31st May 2014 will be charged a fee for administrative expenses.
5 Payment details for post-congress tour
Please transfer the excursion fee of 75 € to one of the following accounts:
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten
Account No.: 60 061
Bank Code: 300 500 00 (Bank: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen)
IBAN: DE 84 3005 0000 0000 060061
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten
Account No.: 564 501
Bank Code: 370 100 50 (Bank: Postbank Niederlassung Köln)
IBAN: DE 95 3701 0050 0000 564501
As reason for payment please write: Deb.2000233989/RCRF.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Secretary.
Check the congress website at for updates and information.
Yours sincerely,
Congress Organization Team
Prelimary Programme
Sunday, 21st September 2014
18.00 h Arrival and registration
18.30 h Get-together an the LVR-RömerMuseum in the Archaeological Park Xanten
Monday, 22nd September 2014
09.00 h Opening ceremony
Milena Karabaic, Head of the LVR-Department of Culture and Environment
Dr. Martin Müller, Head of the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten
Dr. Bernd Liesen, LVR- Archaeological Park Xanten
Dr. Philip Kenrick, President of the RCRF
(In case of two or more authors the names are listed in alphabetical order)
Eastern provinces
10.00 h Liz. phil. Thomas Hintermann, The Grey Ware with black gloss from Ephesos
10.20 h Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tekocak, Roman Fine Ware found in Kelenderis Agora Basilica Excavation
10.40 - 11.00 h Coffee break
11.00 h Asuman Lätzer-Lasar M.A., Roman Ceramics from Ainos, East Thrace (Turkey)
11.20 h Dr. des. Erika Capelletto, New Acquisitions from the Hellenistic-Roman-Byzantine East Necropolis of Hierapolis in Phrygia
(Thanatos-Project – University of Oslo)
11.40 h Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertekin Doksanaltı, The Roman and Late Roman Pottery from the New Excavations in Knidos
12.00 – 13.00 h Lunch break
13.00 h Dr. Derya Erol, Agora of Smyrna Found Terra Sigillata and Late Roman Ware between 2000-2005
13.20 h Dr. Denis Zhuravlev, Knidian Relief Ware in the Northern Pontic Area
13.40 h Dr. Diana Dobreva, Tracing Networks in the Black Sea. The Case of the Sinopean wine
14.00 h Anna Smokotina, Late Roman Amphorae from Tyritake
14.20 h Mag. Veronika Sossau, Keramik aus dem spätantiken Workshop eines milesischen Wohnhauses
14.40 h Dr. Lisa Peloschek – Laura Rembart, The Multiplicity of Aswan Pink Clay Pottery (Roman Times
to Late Antiquity). Synchronising Shape Repertoire, Clay Pastes and Firing Properties
15.00 h Dr. Mohamed Kenawi, Amphorae Kilns in Western Marmarica – Libya Egyptian Amphora AE 3 in Transition
The Balkans and the Danube region
15. 20 h Martin Auer M.A. – Dr. Malgorzata Daszkiewicz, Local and Imported Pottery in Municipium Claudium Aguntum
A Discussion of Economic Spaces based on Archaeometric Analyses
15.40 Dr. Izida Berger-Pavić, Becher mit Karniesrand
Hees 2/Stuart 2 und ihre Derivate aus der Zivilstadt
von Carnuntum, Pannonien. Importe aus den germanischen Provinzen und Gallia Belgica
und lokale/regionale Produkte
16.00 – 16.20 h Coffee break
16.30 – 19.00 h Guided tours through the LVR-RömerMuseum and the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten
Tuesday, 23rd September 2014
The Balkans and the Danube region
09.00 h Dr. Philip Bes, That’s the Limit! Patterning of African and Phocaean Red Slip Wares in Central Greece
09.20 h Dr. Dénes Gabler, Rheinzaberner Sigillaten in Pannonien
09.40 h Dr. Viorica Rusu-Bolindeţ, G(AIVS) I(VLIVS) PRO(CVLVS) FE(CIT). Epigraphic and Archaeological Data on the
Organization and Activity of Pottery Workshops in Roman Dacia
10.00 h Dr. Tatjana Cvjeticanin, Margum Workshop: Military Production Revisited
10.20 – 10.40 h Coffee break
10.40 h Prof. Tadeusz Sarnowksi, Pastus militum Inschriften und Transportamphoren aus Novae (Untermoesien)
11.00 h Prof. Eduard Krekovič, Mortaria in Graves
11.20 h Dr. Eric de Sena, Antonine Pottery from Northwestern Dacia: Evidence from the Porolissum Forum Project
11.40 h Dr. Klára Kuzmová, Evidence of Paullus Ware from Lezoux in the Middle Danube Region
12.00 – 13.00 h Lunch break
13.00 h Departure to Haltern
14.30 h Welcome speech (LWL-Römermuseum Haltern)
Renate Wiechers (Deputy Director of the
LWL-Römermuseum Haltern)
14.45 h Guided Tour through the LWL-Römermuseum Haltern and the Archaeological Site
Wednesday, 24th September 2014
09.00 h Dr. Mariana-Cristina Popescu, Beyond the Boundaries. First-century AD Roman Pottery Discovered in
the Dacian Settlement of Poiana (Galaţi County, Romania)
09.20 h Dr. Adrian Ardeţ, Terra sigillata, from Germania Superior Ornamented with the Fight of Gladiators Discovered in Dacia
09.40 h Dr. Ionuţ Bocan – Dr. Cătălina-Mihaela Neagu, Roman Lamps Discovered in the Fort at Micia (Veţel, Hunedoara County)
from the Romanian National History Museum Collections. Preliminary Considerations Concerning Stamped Lamps
10.00 h Alexander Harizanov, A New Pottery Production Centre in the Roman Province of Thrace (II – III Century AD)
10.20 – 10.40 h Coffee break
10.40 h Dr. David Petruţ, Pottery and Military Life. A Preliminary Assessment of the Ceramic Assemblages from the
Barracks of the Auxiliary Fort from Buciumi (Dacia Porolissensis)
11.00 h Piroska Hárshegyi, Supplying a Roman Auxiliary Fort on the Pannonian Limes: Amphorae on the Territory of Aquincum
11.20 h Mag. archeol. Mirna Crnković – Prof. Slavica Filipović, Terra Sigillata Transpadana from Mursa (Osijek – Croatia)
11.40 h Kristina Brkić BA/MA, Potters' Stamps on Plain Terra Sigillata from Mursa (Osijek, Croatia): the Role of the City
in Commercial Relationships between Pannonia and Other Provinces of the Empire
12.00 – 13.00 h Lunch break
13.00 h Mag. Julia Kopf, Early South Gaulish Samian Ware from the Southwestern Settlement Area of Brigantium/Bregenz (Austria)
13.20 h Dr. Karl Oberhofer, Stratifizierte Terra-Sigillata-Imitationen und engobierte Keramik einheimischer Form aus
13.40 Ferdinand Heimerl M.A., African Red Slip Ware, Cooking Wares and Lamps from Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg
Gaul, Germany, Britain
14.00 h Dr. Tünde Kaszab-Olschewski, The vicus Iuliacum and its Ceramic Production
14.20 h Regula Ackermann – Pirmin Koch, Formschüsseln aus Kempraten (Gde. Rapperswil-Jona/CH)
14.40 h Carmela Franco, Trade and Distribution of Sicilian wine. Flat-bottomed Amphorae in Northern Europe in Roman Period
15.00 h Zsolt Bendő – Dr. Eszter Harsányi – Dr. István Sajó –
Dr. György Szakmány, White Barbotine Decoration Analyses
of three Roman Pottery Groups
15.20 – 15.40 h Coffee break
15.40 h Dr. Sandrine Marquié, The Pottery from a Burned Shop During the 3rd c. AD in Metz (Place de la République, France)
16.00 h Sascha Schmitz M.A., Scheldt-Valley Amphoren aus der Colonia Ulpia Traiana
16.30 – 19.00 h Poster session and pottery display
19.30 h Official reception of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) in the LVR-RömerMuseum
Thursday, 25th September 2014
07.30 h Departure to Nijmegen
09.00 h Welcome Speech (Radboud University)
Prof. Eric Moormann, Holder of the Chair of
Archaeology at Radboud University
Lectures at the Radboud University, Nijmegen
Gaul, Germany, Britain
09.10 h Drs. Ryan Niemeijer, Pottery from the Large Augustan Fortress on the Hunerberg at Nijmegen
09.25 h Horacio González Cesteros, The Arrival of Hispanic Amphorae to the Augustan Military Places in the Lippe Valley.
New Evidence from Oberaden, Haltern and Anreppen
09.45 h Drs. Marenne Zandstra, Pottery as a Guide for the Presence of Non-mediterranean Troups in the Rhineland
10.00 h Roderick Geerts M.A. – Dr. Fabienne Vilvorder, From Clay to Container. Roman Pottery Production
at the Beukenbergweg, Tongeren (Belgium)
10.20 – 10.40 h Coffee break
10.40 h Dr. Marinus Polak, Pottery Finds from the Canabae Legionis at Nijmegen
10.55 h Drs. René Kloosterman, Nijmegen-Holdeurn Ware from the Canabae
11.10 h Joep Hendricks, Pottery from Ulpia Noviomagus. The Maaspleïn Production Site
11.25 h Drs. Julie van Kerckhove, A Characterization of the Pottery Production in Heerlen (Limburg, the Netherlands):
Fabric Analysis and Typo-chronology
11.45 h Frederique Reigersman-van Lidth de Jeude, Pots for Past People. Burial Gifts in the Dutch Eastern River Area
(1st – 3rd Century AD)
12.05 – 13.05 h Lunch break
13.05 h Drs. Tineke Volkers, Die Terra Sigillata und ARS aus der Wurte von Ezinge, prov. Groningen
13.25 h Dr. Bernd Liesen, Lowlands Ware from Xanten
13.40 h Dr. Gerwulf Schneider, Chemical Data of Roman Pottery in Germania Inferior and Beyond
14.30 h Welcome speech (Museum Het Valkhof Nijmegen)
Dr. Marijke Brouwer, Director of Museum Het Valkhof
Dr. Stephan Weiß-König, Conservator of the finds depot of the province of Gelderland
14.45 h Guided Tour through Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, and Museum Kam, Nijmegen
Friday, 26th September 2014
Iberian Peninsula
09.00 h Prof. Dr. Marío Bernal-Casasola – Ricard Marlasca – Carmen G. Rodríguez-Santana – Blanca Ruiz-Zapata,
Maria J. Gil – Miguel Alba, Apua Gaditana at Emerita Augusta. Archaeoichthyological, Epigraphical and
Palynological Characterization of a Beltrán II B Amphorae Content
09.20 h Dr. Michele Scalici, Amphoras from Vigna Marini Vitalini, Caere, Italy
09.40 h Dr. Carla Corti, The Bowls Form Haltern 14 in North-Italic Terra Sigillata: Production and Circulation
10.00 h Dr. Simonetta Menchelli – Giulia Picchi, Flat-bottom Amphoras: Their Origins and Success (Ist Century BC –
IInd Century AD)
10.20 – 10.40 h Coffee break
10.40 h Dr. Tiziano Cinaglia – Dr. Francesca Diosono, Light on the Water. Votive Deposits of Lamps in the Lake Nemi
11.00 h Dr. Barbara Borgers, The Role of Minor Centres in the Economy of Roman Central Italy
11.20 h Dr. Luana Toniolo, Una nuova officina di ceramica commune a Pompei (I,1,10): il sistema produttivo e il
repertorio tipologico
11.40 h Foto Session
12.00 – 13.00 h Lunch break
13.00 h Dr. Matilde Carrara, 'Patinarum paludes' per la mensa di Augusto? Scarti di “Graue Platten” e relativa fornace
dalle officine ceramiche della Celsa (Roma)
13.20 h Dr. Macarena Bustamante – Esperança Huguet – Jure Kra- jsek – Dr. Albert Ribera i Lacomba – Eleni Schindler- Kaudelka,
Terra sigillata de Pompeya. Los materials de la casa de Ariadna. De Augusto al 79dC
13.40 h Dr. Manuela Mongardi, Instrumentum inscriptum a Mutina: le anfore dello scavo di Viale Reiter
14.00 h Dr. Victor Martínez, Lusitanian and Spanish Fish Products in Rome: Evidence from the Palatine Hill in Rome
14.20 h Prof. Xavier Deru – Dr. Armand Desbat – Grégory Mainet, Deux ensembles augustéens de la Schola du Trajan à Ostie
14.40 h Ilaria Manzini PhD – Dr. Caterina Venditti, Roman Ceramics from Fabrateria Nova. New Research Perspectives
on the Relationships between the City and its Hinterland through the Analysis of Ceramic Assemblages
15.00 h Lucia Formato M.A., Die Nordafrikanische Sigillata und Küchenkeramik aus den Castra Albana bei
Albano Laziale/Rom; DAI Kampagnen 2010 und 2012
15.20 – 15.40 h Coffee break
15.40 h Dr. Carlo de Mitri, The Lagynos Ware in the Western Mediterranean between Importations and Local Productions:
the Torre Santa Sabina Wreck (Brindisi, Italy)
16.00 h Dr. Giovanni Boriello – Dr. Marco Giglio – Dr. Stefano Iavarone, Nuove evidenze sulla produzione di ceramica
d’età romana in area flegrea: uno scarico di fornace da Cuma (NA)
16.20 h Dr. Girolamo de Simone – Dr. Caterina Martucci, Amphorae and Commercial Routes in Campania: New Evidence
from 5th Century AD Contexts
16.40 h Dr. Christina Nervi, Africa/Ifrîqiya: Sardinian Assemblages of Vandal Period from Urban Excavations, Necropolis
and Surveys
17.00 h Prof. Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse - Dr. Cristina Mondin, L’atelier ceramico di Piazza Arditi:
materiali e strutture da un quartiere artigianale di Verona romana
17.30 h Closing conference
18.00 – 19.00 h Conference of the RCRF members
19.30 - 22.30 h Closing dinner
Post-congress tour to Cologne
Preliminary programme
Departure from Xanten will be at about 7 am.
Arrival in Cologne is expected to be at 9 am. As the Museum opens at 10 am there will be time for a visit of the Cologne Cathedral (no guided tour).
At 10 am there will be a short welcoming at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum. Guided tours (in English, Italian and German) through the museum are planned.
The Römisch-Germanisches Museum of Cologne stands on the walls of a Roman villa in which the famous Dionysos mosaic was found. It accomodates exhibits of Roman and Early Medieval Cologne, amongst the reconstructed monumental Tomb of Poblicius and one of the world’s most important collections of Roman glass. In several floors the development of the capital of the province Germania inferior, Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, is shown.
A highlight is the special exhibition „14 AD“ for the 2000th anniversary of the death of Augustus. The entry fee for this exhibition is included in the tour fee, but there will be no guided tour. You are of course free to walk through the exhibition on your own.
The lunch break will be hosted in a typical Cologne brewery inn.
After the lunchbreak guided tours through the excavations below the Cathedral and the Praetorium are on our list (tours may be arranged in English and German).
The excavations below the Cathedral comprise the early beginnings of the Christian community in Cologne during the Late Roman times as well as the medieval predecessor buildings of the Gothic Cathedral.
The Praetorium, the Roman City Hall, was the seat of the province governor. The tour will lead to the monumental walls of the 4th c. AD and the Roman Sewer, which is accessible on a length of 150m.
Return to Xanten is approximately at 6 pm. The return can be arranged flexibly. The busses will definitely return to Xanten and a stop at Düsseldorf can be arranged for those who wish to return to their hometowns from the airport in Düsseldorf.
Of course you have also the opportunity to stay in Cologne and Düsseldorf, if you want to extend your stay there. To enable you to organize your stay more flexible, we kindly advice you to arrange your accomodation according to your plans.
Please understand that we can’t lower the fee for those who are not returning to Xanten as the expenses for the busses include both ways.
The following link leads to the tourist informations in Cologne and Düsseldorf, for those who are planning a longer stay there:
List of Posters
Eastern provinces |
1 | Dr. Charikleia Diamanti – Sophia Kalopissi-Verti – Maria Panayotidi-Kesisoglou – Prof. Platon Petridis, The Red Slip Wares in Halasarna, Kos: The Relationship between the Fine Ware Imports and the Economic Wealth of a Late Roman Aegean Settlement |
2 | Dr. Bahadır Duman, African Red Slip Ware in Lydian Tripolis |
3 | Dr. Charikleia Diamanti, The Late Roman Amphoras Workshop of Paros Island in the Aegean Sea – Recent Results |
4 | Prof. Andrei Sazanov, The Chronology of Amphoras and Red Slip Wares from Northern Black Sea Coast Contexts of the Second Half of the 4th – Beginning of the 5th Century AD |
Africa |
5 | Dr. Cristina Mondin, Lamps from Kom al-Ahmar near Alexandria, Egypt |
The Balkans and the Danube region |
6 | Prof. Piotr Dyczek, Amphorae from barracks of Legio VIII Augusta andLegio I Italica in Novae |
7 | Ludmila Kovalevskaya M.A., An Early Flavian Deposit of Amphorae from the Legionary Fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia) |
8 | Assoc. Prof. Gergana Kabakchieva, Die neuen Funde der importierten Terra Sigillata in Moesia |
9 | Dr. Dorel Bondoc, Roman Amphorae from Slaveni, Romania |
10 | Alexandra Nagy, Import and Imitation. Thin-walled Pottery with Barbotine Decoration in the Area of Aquincum |
11 | Dr. Balász Rikker – Péter Vámos, Archaeometrical Investigations on Ceramics from the Eastern Cemetery of the Aquincum Civil Town |
12 | Nikoletta Varga, Raetian Ware in Aquincum |
13 | Dr. Tino Leleković, Imports and local production in Pannonia during 2nd and 3rd century |
14 | Martin Auer M.A., Municipium Claudium Aguntum - Keramik als Indikator für die spätantike Sozialstruktur? |
15 | Dr. Rita Chinelli, Post-firing Perforation on Roman Pottery from the Civil-settlement of Vindobona |
16 | Dr. Lavinia Grumeza, Late Roman pottery discovered at Tibiscum (end of the 3rd – 4th century AD). Typology, chronology and contents |
17 | Dr. Brikena Shkodra-Rrugia, Late Antique Sigillata Tablewares in Albania |
18 | Dr. Macarena Bustamante Álvarez, Glazed Pottery in Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain) |
19 | Dr. Rui Roberto de Almeida – Dr. Carolina Grilo, Amphorae in Lusitania Hinterland: the Case Study of Pax Ivlia (Beja, Portugal) |
20 | Dr. Catarina Viegas, Terra sigillata from Mesas do Castelinho (Almodôvar - Portugal) |
Italy, Cisalpine Gaul |
21 | Marek Palaczyk, Punische Amphoren aus Iaitas (Westsizilien) – eine typologische Betrachtung |
22 | Dr. Fulvio Coletti, Vasellame fine da mensa, dispensa e fuoco di età medio repubblicana a Roma: contesti ceramici da un impianto per la lavorazione della lana |
23 | Valentina Capradossi – Dr. Sofia Cingolani – Prof. Roberto Perna – Dr. Valeria Tubaldi – Dr. Ludovica Xavier de Silva, I contesti repubblicani della colonia di Urbs Salvia. L’area forense |
24 | Dr. Rosario Patané, “Ceramica centuripina” e terracotte teatrali. Per le credenze sull’aldilà nella Sicilia romana |
25 | Dr. Fabio Mocsa – Dr. Paola Puppo, The Influence of Hellenistic koiné in the Punic-Roman Sardinia during the Second Century BC |
26 | Dr. Silvia Cipriano, Uno skyphos in ceramica invetriata dal santuario di Reitia di Este |
27 | Valentina Degrassi – Alessandro Duiz – Dr. Paola Ventura, Contesti ceramici da Locavaz, Moschenizze, Villaggio del Pescatore «Casa Pahor» (territorio N-E di Aquileia): siti produttivi e d'abitato |
28 | Dr. Roby Stuani, La terra sigillata a Grumentum tra tarda repubblica e primo impero |
29 | Dr. Anna Gamberini – Dr. Sara Morsiani, La necropoli orientale della città romana di Suasa (Ancona, Italia): primi dati dallo studio dei corredi |
30 | Gabriella Gramegna – Mariangela Pignataro, A Ceramic Context from Egnazia (Fasano, Italy): the Area to the East of the Baths |
31 | Dr. Marzia Giuliodori – Dr. Valeria Tubaldi, Urbs Salvia: un contesto ceramico di età augustea dalla fronte del Tempio della dea Salus tra la fine della Repubblica e l’età tiberiana |
32 | Dr. Illuminata Faga, Vasellame a pareti sottili da un contesto augusteo di Puteoli |
33 | Dr. Sofia Cingolani – Prof. Roberto Perna – Dr. Valeria Tubaldi, Urbs Salvia. Lo scavo della Porta Nord tra area urbana e periurbana |
34 | Dr. Giusy Castelli, Stamps on Italian Sigillata Pottery from Julio-Claudian Contexts from Villa Medici (Rome, Pincio) |
35 | Dr. Viviana Cardarelli, Sigillata italica dai contesti giulio-claudio di Villa Medici (Roma). Forme, tipi, decorazioni |
36 | Dr. Stefania Mazzocchin, Anfore e ceramica: nuovi dati da un particolare contesto romano a Vicenza (Italia) |
37 | Prof. Archer Martin, Fine Wares at Pompeii |
38 | Dr. Elisa Panero – Dr. Giuseppina Spagnolo, A production for domestic worship? Romanization and cultural identity in the common ware with decoration in relief between Novara and Vercelli |
39 | Dr. Lilia Palmieri, Preliminary Remarks on Production and Distribution of Terra Sigillata Excisa in Northern Italy. New Data from Recent Excavations at Calvatone-Bedriacum |
40 | Dr. Silvia Cipriano, Aegean ware dal sito dell’antica Altino |
41 | Dr. Diana Dobreva – Anna Riccato, Aegean, Levantine and Illyrian Cooking Ware from Northern Adriatic: Distribution Patterns |
42 | Dr. Gloria Bolzoni– Dr. Manuela Catarsi, The Roman Imperial Phases of the Farmhouse of Via Budellundo, Italy |
43 | Dr. Fabiana Fabbri, Contenitori da trasporto di ridotte dimensioni dalle aree pistoiese e pratese. Contributo alla storia del commercio dell’Etruria settentrionale di età romana |
44 | Vincenzo Castaldo, Late Antique Clay Lamps from Campania: the Evidence from a Site on the North Slope of Mt. Vesuvius |
Raetia, Gaul, Germany and Britain |
45 | Dr. Allard Mees, Research Analysis Samian Distribution |
46 | Dr. Tim Clerbaut, Ceramic Building Materials in the Roman North, the example of the CAVTI-production |
47 | Dr. David Bird, Ashtead Common, Surrey, England: Roman Tileworks |
48 | Dr. Christiane de Micheli Schulthess, Roman Vessels as Grave-Goods in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) |
49 | Lic. phil. Ines Winet, Die dendrodatierten Horizonte (1. Hälfte 3. Jh. n. Chr.) von Cham-Hagendorn (Kanton Zug, Schweiz) |
50 | Dr. Barbara Borgers, Pottery workshops at Fanum Martis (Valenciennes, north of France): analysis of pottery production tech- niques, choices and consumption |
51 | Dr. Francesca Diosono, Funerary and Votive Deposits along the Via Domitia at Colombiers (Hérault, France) |
52 | Alice Hanotte, Lampes à huile gallo-romaines du nord de la Gaule en contexte archéologique: les luminaires de la domus de Bavay «Rue des Remparts» et de la villa de Bailleul «ZAC des Collines» |
53 | Dr. Gloria Bolzoni – Dr. Jean-Paul Petit, A Middle-Roman Context form the Public Center of Bliesbruck, Sarreguemines, Department de la Moselle, France |
54 | Ester van der Linden, The Pottery of the Fortress and Vicus of Ockenburgh (The Hague, NL) |
55 | Dr. Verena Jauch, Kochgeschirr von At(t)ilius |
56 | Sascha Schmitz M.A., Scheldt-Valley Amphoren aus der Colonia Ulpia Traiana |
57 | Dr. Malgorzata Daszkiewicz – Dr. Gerwulf Schneider, Application of portable energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence to the analysis of Roman pottery |
58 | Thomas Delbey, Archaeometrical identification and characterization of local imitations of Argonne red slipped ware in the Diocese of Gaul during the late Antiquity |
(In case of two or more authors the names are listed in alphabetical order) |
List of the Participants of the Congress
Surname |
Name |
Institution |
Ackermann |
Regula |
Kantonsarchäologie St. Gallen |
Agricola |
Clarissa |
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main |
Ardeţ |
Adrian |
Museum of Ethnography and Border Regiment Caransebeş |
Auer |
Martin |
Institut für Archäologien, University of Innsbruck |
Berger-Pavić |
Izida |
Bernal-Casasola |
Darío |
University of Cádiz |
Bes |
Philip |
Biegert |
Susanne |
Bird |
Joanna |
Bird |
David |
Bocan |
Ionuţ |
Romanian National History Museum |
Bondoc |
Dorel |
The Museum of Oltenia, Craiova |
Bolzoni |
Gloria |
DISPUTER, University of Chieti-Pescara |
Borgers |
Barbara |
University of Groningen |
Borriello |
Giovanni |
Università degli Studi di Napoli l’Orientale |
Bridger |
Clive |
Brkić |
Kristina |
Brulet |
Raymond |
Université catholique de Louvain |
Bustamante Álvarez |
Macarena |
Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida |
Caminneci |
Valentina |
Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. Agrigento |
Cappelletto |
Erika |
University of Heidelberg |
Cardarelli |
Viviana |
La Sapienza – Università di Roma |
Carrara |
Matilde |
Collaboratrice Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma |
Castaldo |
Vincenzo |
Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa |
Castelli |
Giusy |
Università di Bologna |
Chinelli |
Rita |
Stadtarchäologie Wien |
Cinaglia |
Tiziano |
Università di Perugia |
Cipriano |
Silvia |
Museo della Centuriazione Romana – Borgoricco |
Clerbaut |
Tim |
Ghent University |
Coletti |
Fulvio |
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma |
Corti |
Carla |
Crnković |
Mirna |
Cvjeticanin |
Tatjana |
National Museum in Belgrad |
Daszkiewicz |
Malgorzata |
Freie Universität Berlin, Exzellenzcluster Topoi |
deClercq |
Wim |
Delbey |
Thomas |
University de Paris Ouest Nanterre |
de Micheli Schulthess |
Christiane |
Associazione Ricerche Archeologiche del Mendrisiotto (ARAM) |
de Mitri |
Carlo |
de Sena |
Eric |
American Research Center in Sofia |
de Simone |
Girolamo |
University of Oxford |
Deru |
Xavier |
Univesrité de Lille |
Desbat |
Armand |
Diamanti |
Charikleia |
Ministry of Culture, 2nd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities |
Diosono |
Francesca |
Humbolt-Forschungsstipendium für erfahrene Wissenschaftler LMU München |
Dobreva |
Diana |
Department of Cultural Heritage – University of Padua |
Doksanaltı |
Ertekin |
Department of Archaeology – Selçuk University |
Duman |
Bahadır |
Pamukkale University |
Dyczek |
Piotr |
Ośrodek Badańnad Antykiem Europy Południowo-Wschodniej – University of Warsaw |
Erol |
Derya |
Dokuz Eylül University Izmir |
Fabbri |
Fabiana |
Collaborator of Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici della Toscna |
Faber |
Andrea |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Faga |
Illuminata |
Federico |
Raffaella |
Filipović |
Slavica |
Museum of Slavonia |
Formato |
Lucia |
Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München |
Franco |
Carmela |
Wolfson College Oxford |
Gabler |
Dénes |
Archäolisches Institut der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften |
Geerts |
Roderick |
ADC ArcheoProjecten |
Giglio |
Marco |
Università degli Studi di Napoli l’Orientale |
González Cesteros |
Horacio |
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut |
Gramegna |
Gabriella |
Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici – Università degli Studi della Basilicata |
Grumeza |
Lavinia |
County Museum of Ethnography and Border Regiment, Romania |
Giuliodori |
Marzia |
Dipartimento scienze umanistiche – Università di Macerata |
Hahn |
Thomas |
Universität Frankfurt am Main |
Hanotte |
Alice |
Service d’archéologie préventive de la communauté d’agglomération du Douaisis (CAD DAP) |
Harizanov |
Aleksandar |
University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski |
Harnecker |
Joachim |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Harsányi |
Eszter |
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg |
Hárshegyi |
Piroska |
Budapest History Museum – Aquincum Museum |
Hasenbach |
Verena |
Heger |
Norbert |
Heger |
Helga |
Heimerl |
Ferdinand |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Hendriks |
Joep |
Hilke |
Marianne |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Hintermann |
Thomas |
University of Zurich |
Hüdepohl |
Sophie |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Iavarone |
Stefano |
Università degli Studi di Napoli l’Orientale |
Ideli |
Andrea |
Institut für Klassische Archäologie Universität Heidelberg |
Jäger |
Johanna |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Jaschke |
Kathrin |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Jauch |
Verena |
Amt für Raumentwicklung, Abteilung Archäologie und Denkmalpflege |
Kabakchieva |
Gergana |
Archäologisches Institut, Sofia |
Kaszab-Olschewski |
Tünde |
Archäologisches Institut, Universität zu Köln |
Kenawi |
Mohamed |
Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, University of Alexandria |
Kenrick |
Philip |
Kloosterman |
René |
Radboud University Nijmegen, Auxilia |
Koch |
Pirmin |
Kantonsarchäologie St. Gallen |
Kopf |
Julia |
Institut für Archäologien – Universität Innsbruck |
Koseva |
Kristina |
Kovalevskaya |
Ludmila |
National Preserve Chersones Tavričeskij, Sevastopol |
Krajsek |
Jure |
Celje Regional Museum |
Krekovič |
Eduard |
Comenius University |
Kuzmová |
Klára |
Trnava University |
L’Heureux |
Luc |
Université Laval |
Lambrakis |
Anastasios |
University of Athens |
Lätzer-Lasar |
Asuman |
Center for Advanced Studies Morphomata, Universität zu Köln |
Lauinger |
Silke |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Lecluse |
Loes |
Lecluse & Varma |
Leih |
Sabine |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Leleković |
Tino |
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Liesen |
Bernd |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Lippok |
Femke |
Leiden University |
Lyne |
Malcolm |
Manzini |
Ilaria |
Università di Roma |
Marquié |
Sandrine |
Pôle Archéologie Préventive de Metz Métropole |
Martell |
Ingo |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Martin |
Archer |
Martínez |
Victor |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Martucci |
Caterina |
Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli |
Maselli Scotti |
Franca |
Mazzocchin |
Stefania |
Università degli Studi di Padova |
Mees |
Allard |
Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz |
Melko |
Nadja |
Historisches Seminar – Universität Zürich |
Menchelli |
Simonetta |
Università de Pisa |
Meyer-Freuler |
Christine |
Kantonsarchäologie Kanton Aargau |
Mosca |
Fabio |
Mondin |
Cristina |
Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto |
Mongardi |
Manuela |
Università di Bologna |
Müller |
Martin |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Nagy |
Alexandra |
Budapest History Museum – Aquincum Museum |
Neagu |
Cătălina-Mihaela |
Romanian National History Museum |
Nervi |
Cristina |
Università di Genova |
Niemeijer |
Ryan |
Radboud University Nijmegen – Auxilia |
Oberhofer |
Karl |
Institut für Archäologien, Universität Innsbruck |
Palaczyk |
Marek |
Institut für Archäologien, Universität Zürich |
Palmieri |
Lilia |
Università degli Studi di Milano |
Panero |
Elisa |
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo Antichità Egizie |
Patané |
Rosario |
Museo Regionale Interdisciplinare di Enna |
Peloschek |
Lisa |
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut |
Perna |
Roberto |
Università degli Studi di Macerata |
Petridis |
Platon |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Petruţ |
David |
Mureş County Museum |
Piccardi |
Eliana |
Università di Genova, Université d’Aix Marseille |
Picchi |
Giulia |
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana |
Pignataro |
Mariangela |
Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici – Università degli Studi della Basilicata |
Polak |
Marinus |
Radboud University Nijmegen – Auxilia |
Popescu |
Mariana-Cristina |
National History Museum of Transsylvania |
Potthoff |
Tanja |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Puppo |
Paola |
Reigersman-van Lidth de Jeude |
Frederique |
ADC ArcheoProjecten |
Rembart |
Laura |
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut |
Reutti |
Fridolin |
Terra-Sigillata-Museum Rheinzabern |
Ribera i Lacomba |
Albert |
Servicio de Investigación Arqueológica Municipal |
Riccato |
Anna |
Department of Cultural Heritage – Università di Padova |
Rikker |
Balász |
Budapest History Museum – Aquincum Museum |
Rosati |
Paolo |
Università degli Studi de l’Aquila |
Rudnick |
Bernhard |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Rusu-Bolindeţ |
Viorica |
National History Museum of Transsylvania |
Sandrini |
Giovanna |
Sarnowski |
Tadeusz |
University of Warsaw |
Sazanov |
Andrei |
Moscow State University |
Scalici |
Michele |
Caere-Project – Università di Bologna |
Schießl |
Johannes |
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Schmid |
Debora |
Römerstadt Augusta Raurica |
Schmidhuber-Aspöck |
Gabriele |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Schmitz |
Sascha |
Universität Trier |
Schneider |
Gerwulf |
Freie Universität Berlin, Exzellenzcluster Topoi |
Schreiter |
Charlotte |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Shkodra-Rrugia |
Brikena |
Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike, Instituti i Arkeologjise Tirane |
Smokotina |
Anna |
Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Crimean Branch |
Sossau |
Veronika |
Institut für Archäologien – Universität Innsbruck |
Tekocak |
Mehmet |
Selçuk University |
Thasing |
Sophie |
University of Groningen |
Thijssen |
Jan |
Tomasevic Buck |
Teodora |
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Toniolo |
Luana |
Tremmel |
Bettina |
Universität Münster |
Tubaldi |
Valeria |
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Marche – Ancona |
Tyers |
Paul |
Vámos |
Péter |
Budapest History Museum – Aquincum Museum |
van der Linden |
Ester |
ArcheoFocus |
van Kerckhove |
Julie |
VU University |
Varga |
Nikoletta |
Budapest History Museum – Aquincum Museum |
Vaz Pinto |
Inês |
CEAACP – Troiaresort |
Venditti |
Caterina |
Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Tursimo |
Ventura |
Paola |
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia |
Viegas |
Catarina |
UNIARQ – University of Lisbon |
Visser |
Dirk |
Ruud van Beekstichting – University of Leiden |
Volkers |
Tineke |
Provincie Friesland, Noordelijk Archeologisch Depot |
Willems |
Sonja |
Institute nationale de recherches archéologiques préventives |
Winet |
Ines |
Kantonsarchäologie Zürich |
Zabehlicky |
Heinrich |
Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger |
Susanne |
Zandstra |
Marenne |
Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen – Auxilia |
Zhuravlev |
Denis |
State Historical Museum Moscow |
Zieling |
Norbert |
LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten |
Participants of the Post-congress-tour to Cologne
Ardeţ |
Adrian |
Bernal-Casasola |
Darío |
Bird |
David |
Bird |
Joanna |
Brkić |
Kristina |
Chinelli |
Rita |
Diamanti |
Charikleia |
Fabbri |
Fabiana |
Geerts |
Roderick |
Grumeza |
Lavinia |
Giuliodori |
Marzia |
Hárshegyi |
Piroska |
Lambrakis |
Anastasios |
Lyne |
Malcolm |
Mondin |
Cristina |
Nagy |
Alexandra |
Patané |
Rosario |
Rikker |
Balász |
Rusu-Bolindeţ |
Viorica |
Varga |
Nikoletta |